Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2006

You had me at "Hello"

Angesichts der Trennung von Seth Cohen und Rachel Bilson. Ein Brief an sie. Hab ich nicht allein verbrochen. Aber die Schreiber möchten angesichts der Qualität der englischen Sprache nicht erwähnt werden.

"Los, fang an.

Dear Mister Cohen and Dear Miss Bilson,
How dare you!
We can't believe that you split up. You of all!
We loved you. We really loved you but now...
We are crushed. And it is your very fault.
We're gonna do something very cruel. Don't know yet what but you'll know it very soon
You have one chance to escape your fatefull, painfull... whatever, what is waiting for you: Get married, in this instant.
And invite us. Let us be bridesmaids.
And be sure there are a lot of flowers. What is a wedding without flowers?
Rice, Rice... we need Rice!
And a Strumpfband!
In babyblue!
Las Vegas would be a good location. You don't mind, if we bring a couple of friends with us?
No? Great.
Okay... see you soon.
We are really looking forward seeing you, Mr und Mrs Cohen. (Yeah, your name is going to be Cohen!)
Love, your favorite little favorites.
And belive us, we just want the best for you.


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